Episode 77 of Strong Enough Podcast brings return guest Russell Loo and first-timer Shea Barham. Russell is a tattoo artist living in Las Vegas, and Shea works in aesthetic sales in Nashville. This week, we take on unpopular opinions in work and relationships. We discuss and debate everything from the necessity of a two-week notice to firing someone for walking too slowly to joint social media accounts and flirting.
During this episode, Russell wonders if chivalry is dead (Shea and I say no), and we analyze relationship jealousy, boundaries, and the need for strong communication. We wrap up with some amazing tattoo stories and a plea for a certain fast food restaurant to open on Sundays. This episode gives you some great insight on relationships and work life while giving you a chance to laugh along with us.
#worklife #relationships #socialmedia
Guest Information:
Shea Barham:
Insta: @SheaAlexxandra
Russell Loo:
Insta: @ElevenMainStreet
Show Information:
Socials: @StrongEnoughPod