Episode forty-two of Strong Enough Podcast brings Denise Kavaliauskas, author and coach. After suffering in a toxic relationship with a narcissist, Denise learned how to heal herself and find healthy, nurturing love. She is passionate about helping others find the meaningful, healthy, true love we all deserve.
During this episode, Denise shares her own story of being in a toxic relationship and the unhealthy behaviors she experienced. She talks about the scary time of knowing she had to get out but being unsure of what was waiting for her. Denise’s mantra became, “I didn’t know what the future held, but I knew this: it was better than the past.” Denise is now in a healthy and happy marriage that she never would have found without putting in hard work and believing she deserved true happiness. She’s here to tell you that you deserve and can have that happiness, too!
#love #relationships #lovelife