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Aug. 31, 2023

Barb Nangle: Twelve Steps to Freedom

Barb Nangle: Twelve Steps to Freedom

Strong Enough Episode 96: Barb Nangle Finds Freedom One Step at a Time

Episode 96 of Strong Enough brings Barb Nangle, a boundaries coach who helps women who focus on what others think and neglect themselves. Barb’s own experience leading a life with no boundaries left her frustrated, emotionally unavailable, and playing the victim without even knowing it.

During this episode, Barb discusses her issues with codependence and food and how twelve step programs gave her the tools she needed to build a life of fulfillment. She talks about why boundaries are a necessary part of healthy life and relationships and shares a no-nonsense look at how wonderful life can be when we take care of ourselves. If you’ve ever experienced any type of addiction or struggle or know someone who has, then you need to hear Barb’s story.

#twelvesteps #boundaries #addiction

Guest Information:

Barb Nangle



Show Information:



